Affordable Housing Professionals Certificate Program

The Affordable Housing Professional Certification Program is a cooperative endeavor between the Center for Government Services (CGS) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and the Affordable Housing Professionals of New Jersey (AHPNJ). It is a professional development opportunity for individuals who work toward the support and provision of affordable housing, covering federally-funded programs as well as the state regulatory program.  The curriculum was developed by the AHPNJ Education Committee in consultation with CGS.  The certification encourages an understanding of professional and organizational skills covering a diverse range of housing areas.  Upon completion of the program each participant receives the Rutgers/AHPNJ certificate.

Up-to-date information on this program, including requirements and class schedules, can be found on the Affordable Housing Professionals Certificate Program page of the Rutgers website. Additionally information about certification renewal is also available on the Rutgers website.

Below is a list of courses offered by AHPNJ that received continuing education credits from various 3rd parties. If you attended one of these courses and need a certficate of attendance please send an email to with the course name and date.


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Housing Partnership for Morris CountyWaltersPiazza & Associates, Inc.Moderate Income Management

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